Reasonable selection reference for waterproof touch switches of precision connectors
2024-01-15 Precision connector waterproof touch switch
01. Selection of waterproof touch switch materials. With the increase of time, the material of the waterproof touch switch will also be oxidized, and the waterproof film will become somewhat fragile. Therefore, when selecting materials, it is necessary to choose a sturdy and durable anti-corrosion and waterproof silicone pad material. This way, in the future, whether in high temperature, drought, or humid and cold environments, the waterproof touch switch can maintain good performance, waterproof, deformation and damage free, It can maintain its performance for a long time, and the sturdy and light touch resistant material can also increase the service life of the switch.

02. The structural design of waterproof touch switches, the more high-end the product, the more ingenious the design. However, only in terms of details can consumers admire the ingenuity of the design. The structural design of waterproof touch switches can demonstrate the reasonable integration of humanization and mechanization, which can be considered a successful design. Structural design is the core of waterproof touch switches and also a top priority of people's attention.

03. The use of waterproof touch switches requires people to have close contact with them, as they not only need to be viewed from the appearance, but also need to be physically touched to feel them. Once touched, waterproof touch switches will be very sensitive and responsive, and the shorter the reaction time, the better the performance.
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